Then I sat by the window and stared at her as she drove off. She told me yesterday she felt so bad leaving me but knew I would be soooo happy when you came through the door. She was right
Now I can relax as my prayers have been answered and you have found your way home.
As much as I missed you, I did have fun with Auntie. I made her play with me a lot, wether she wanted to or not, she always did. She also let me go in the pool anytime I wanted to! AND I also jumped on the bed a couple of times while she was sleeping, again.....wether she wanted me too or not.
I also had fun tricking her into taking me out. Until that one time when she said kinda loudly, "If you don't pee I'm going to #!%! kill you." Hahaha, I think it was just a joke because I'm still here :-)
And I forgot all about Buster.....the bunny. I sat at the door and watched her clean his cage. Just when she had swept up all the litter and yucky stuff in a dust pan, he charged at the pan and made everything spill out everywhere. It was pretty funny, I think she wanted to #!%! kill him too.
I kinda feel like I was at summer camp, only in my own house. So anytime you leave again mom, just ask Auntie G to come over. For now I'm going to take a nap. All of this excitement has exhausted me.