

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Still Waiting: Sophie's Log Day 2

Hey Mom,

I'm STILL waiting for you and Auntie G is STILL here. She left for a while today, came back, left again.......and now she's back again. Also, she spent the night last night, kinda surprised me.

So I decided to surprise her this morning at 5:12. Yep.....I made her take me out to peepee.....hahahahaha. It was so funny.

Oh and for the record, I don't know how her shoe got into the middle of the floor with all of my toys.

Seriously, I did not sniff, lick or chew it at all. It was just there. So weird. She just leaves things everywhere.

Anyway, I'll keep letting her play with me, only to make her feel better. And I'll  keep waiting to hear from you. I miss you mom.


  1. Hello my little Sophie. You are good dog for not chewing on auntie gg's shoe. I warned her about you and shoes! Ha ha. Mommy Vera and Alek are having fun in Venice. It's hotter than Dante's 7th level of hell. Be good for Gina and hey, I think it's time to show Gina how you dump out your entire toy box and scatter the toys all over the foyer and living room. she'll love that!! Be a good girl and please remind Gina to feed and water Buster. I forget sometimes too. Lol Love and kisses from mommy.

  2. oh no.....not gina's shoes.....she will die! :-)
