

Thursday, August 20, 2015

What's That Smell; Sophie's Log Day 9

Mom.....today was just weird. I know you humans think its funny when we dogs sniff each other's rear ends, but it's socially acceptable and encouraged in out community. But (no pun intended) what's up with people sniffing containers of food?

Auntie G was opening things in our refrigerator today, sniffing them, and DUMPING them in the trash! HELLO! Those meatballs looked perfectly good and instead of letting me have a go at them, they are gone, GONE. She said the trash man comes tomorrow and she didn't want you coming home to stinky food.....totally disregarding my feelings. They smelled fine from where I sat.

I also heard her talking about me on the phone today....about how she remembered how cute and little I was when she first met me. She showed me these photos and said "It's Throw Back Thursday," like I'm suppose to get what that means.

Well clearly I can't fit under the table anymore....I moved to the couch and pushed her over

OK.....and one more thing. You know how your shower is big and open and you can just walk in. Well I did that while she was washing her hair this morning. I just wanted some water. She screeched when she opened her eyes and saw me there, then uttered  the one word I hate most in this world.....NO.

I guess I'll go back to the yucky filtered water in my bowl. No shower water, no leftovers, my life sucks. I hope you come home soon.

Love you mom,


  1. Hahaha Sophie took a shower with auntie g. So funny. She hasn't done that in a while. Usually she just sits by the entrance to the shower or pushes a ball into the shower. So funny Sophie. YOu have Gina the full Sophie experience. About throw back Thursday-----OMG I cant stand it. Sophie you were sooooooo cute as a puppy the cutest puppy ever. Mommy is heading back towards Italy now on the ship and will be on a plane tomorrow coming home to her little Sophie darling. Miss you. Humm. Sophie seems like the only trick you haven't pulled on Gina is dumping out the entire toy box. I think she'd enjoy it. Go for it Sophie. Love you, Mommy.

  2. So far so good on that one Marianne......but the adventure is not over.
